Sree Vivekananda Matric HSS

Rules & Regulations

Sree Vivekananda Matric HS School - Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Our school’s rules and regulations were created over a considerable period of time with community input. They represent the general norms of acceptable behaviour, dress, and personal appearance held by the school community. Students are required to comply by these rules at all times, whether they are on school property or in an environment that is specifically related to the institution, such as when wearing school attire. We push our pupils to be accountable for their deeds and to behave in a responsible and disciplined way.

We require that our pupils speak only English while on the school grounds in order to encourage the development of strong communication skills. They will be better able to communicate verbally and will be better equipped for future chances.



In the eating halls, study halls, and while moving between them, silence is required. Any conversations that take place in the dining hall should be kept quiet and calm. The dining hall should be entered and exited by students discreetly and in a timely manner. It is totally illegal to yell “Bearer” to summon help from the dining hall employees. Instead, the proper course of action is to raise your hand to signal for attention.

Except on the playground, we expect our students to act respectfully and refrain from being boisterous or disruptive. Inappropriate or hazardous behaviour will not be allowed.


Before leaving the school’s clearly defined borders, students are required to ask for permission. Before departing from the school grounds for any purpose, permission must be acquired from the proper authority. To make sure that all of our children are present and secure at all times, we view this as an essential safety safeguard. As a result, we strongly advise our students to adhere to this procedure in order to reduce any unneeded risks or inconveniences.


We strictly prohibit smoking, the use of tobacco products, narcotics, and alcohol both within and outside the school. Any student who is discovered participating in one of these activities may face disciplinary action, which may result in their instant expulsion from the school.

Additionally, it is completely forbidden to use mobile phones or other electronic devices on school grounds. This policy, in our opinion, encourages a secure and stress-free learning atmosphere that is beneficial to our students’ academic and personal development. To uphold the etiquette and ideals of the school, we anticipate that all of our students will abide by this guideline.


It is vital to highlight that the institution will not be held accountable for any injuries or fatalities sustained during any school-related events, including picnics or excursions. Accidents can still occur, despite the fact that we take all reasonable measures to protect the security of our kids during these activities. To reduce any potential risks, it is crucial that all pupils abide by the safety recommendations and instructions given by the school staff. In order to cover any unexpected circumstances, parents or guardians are urged to make sure that their children have enough insurance coverage.


In unavoidable situations, the school will provide for emergency surgery, but the administration will not be held liable for any unfavourable results. However, the administration promises to take all required safety measures and offer assistance in the event of such an incident.


Three months’ notice is required before removing a child from an institution. In this situation, the upfront deposit will not be reimbursed. The whole tuition must be paid whether a student enrols in the programme or withdraws at any point throughout the academic year. To guarantee a smooth and stable academic environment for all students, this policy is in place.

School Timing

The typical school schedule has four periods in the morning session and begins at 9:20 AM. Between the third and fourth periods, which make up the pre-lunch time of the school day, there is a 10-minute break. Every day, this schedule is followed.